May 6Liked by BowTied Passport

Having lived in Germany most of my teenage and early 20‘s this gives me throwbacks to the nightlife.

Very accurate, title made me keen to check out Germany again but you hit the nail on the head, we’re a boring people 😂

Lived in Australia for nearly 5 years now and the attitude, banter and pride for their nationality is a difference of night and day.

There’s no real banter in Germany and if I were to go back I’d crush the social game now.

Can’t really go for US passport as I’ve been working on AUS residency, tired of the same place.

Might have to learn Spanish and explore South America or check out SEA.

What places do you recommend for a „recovering“ German?

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Latin America will frustrate you to death for the first couple months with the disorderliness. Then your life will change for the better

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