Let's cut to the chase. (In multiple ways) In a perfect world, your living situation would be the stuff of legends. You'd be the top neighborhood, surrounded by blend of cafes, high-end boutiques, swanky lounge bars, and other attractions. Think of it as a buffet of day and night venues right at your doorstep. Endless opportunities to hang out, work, meet women, ect. You'd live alone, steering clear of those roommates who specialize in the fine art of accidentally cockblocking. Your place would be spacious, have a dope view, everything else you could think
But let's be real, only a lucky few get to revel in such luxurious living scenarios. Whether you're inhabiting a 3,000-square-foot loft or cozying up in a room shared with a dozen other guys, there's always room for improvement. So, let's talk about how you can enhance your quality of life and up your game when it comes to impressing female guests.
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Quality lighting isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. It can transform boring spaces into amazing ones. Too many times, I go to friends' houses, and they either have blasting bright lights or a couple of dim ones dotting their apartment. Men don’t really care about those things, as long as it gets the job done. But a simple fix to that is LED lights.
You might not need to go all out and have a technicolor atmosphere, but a set of two LED lightbulbs should be the first thing you do in your place. You're probably bringing a chick over and turning on a light switch to some disgusting white lab room lights when you could easily have the choice of much softer lighting or a color palette of red or blue to make her excited or calm.
Pro Tip: You can always get the girl on the couch, fix her a drink, and ask her what her favorite color is. Then open up the phone app, which all these LED lights have, and change the whole house to fit her favorite color or mood.
2. Artful Wall Decor: Conversation Starters
If you don’t have some dope view or a living room facing the world, get some art. A bare wall is a no-go. You can easily go on Amazon and get cheap canvas paintings, branch out to Etsy, or even find some small artists with inexpensive paintings to dot your walls. You could just as easily go to a thrift store, boutique store, chain arts and crafts store, etc.
Sitting on your couch and talking is one thing, but there’s nothing more intimate than a girl walking around your apartment with a glass of wine, checking out the art, and telling you her thoughts.
And get something that’s a conversation piece. Don’t get things that only guys like. You don’t want some random wolf howling at the moon or a glass of whisky. Trust me. You can find some basic, yet interesting pieces
3. A Home Bar: Liquid Confidence
Even if you aren’t big on drinks, every bachelor should have a home bar of some sort. This not only makes your place a great pregame area for when the guys come over but also an amazing and inexpensive accessory that makes your place inviting to women.
You’ve probably been bringing girls to your house and setting a bottle on the table to pour a random shot. Instead, by having a home bar, you can look classy and sophisticated while pouring a drink. It's also better than inviting a chick into your kitchen, which might be dirty at the moment, or having a frat boy-looking setting of bottles sitting out on the counter.
This also gives an interactive break from sitting on your couch and talking to having the girl play bartender and make her own drinks. I have made my bar the place of countless one-on-one photo ops where she dresses up in lingerie and makes me a drink instead.
Having a home bar also makes your place great for throwing parties - Not an essential, but a great addition
A Guide to Throwing Parties
Toss in a cheap bartender kit and either a cocktail book or just Google some nice, easy-to-make but possibly fancy-looking cocktails so you always have a couple of ideas on hand.
If you teach yourself to make 2-3 classic cocktails, you’ll be lightyears ahead of the average dude giving chicks a Jack and Coke.
4. Superior Speakers and Playlists:
No one wants to come to your place and listen to spotify from your phone.
Get a solid set of speakers.
I’m not saying you need a whole entertainment system, but quality sounds goes a long way and you have a lot of options to choose from.
Possible options.
Bose Soundbars
Inexpensive home theater sets
My personal favorite is actually the JBL Charge. I’ve even used this speaker for house parties. It’s definitely got enough power and base to be worth the price
Added benefit is being able to take it to another room with you
5. A No-Shoes Policy:
Put in place a no-shoe policy in your house. Besides keeping things clear, enforcing a no-shoes policy offers a bonus – it gets your guests closer to feeling relaxed, both physically and mentally. Think about a makeout session moving further. The physiological resistance of having shoes on is often an automatic turn-off.
Getting hot and heavy and then having to take off each other's shoes drags the vibe down. By simply having everyone take their shoes off at the door, you automatically create a clean and comfortable vibe in your house.
6. Fresh Bed Linens: Wash Your Damn Sheets
I remember a poll that said a lot of guys don’t wash their sheets regularly; sometimes, a month or more can go by. That's disgusting. Get in the habit of washing your sheets twice a month at least. I can imagine that knowing you have a dirty bed setup makes you even more hesitant to bring a girl to your bedroom. If you’re the type of person that has a bed in your room, the last thing a chick wants to do is get in your dirty bed to watch a movie.
And that being said, invest in a high-quality set. Of course, when it's time to get to business, some might notice. But a high-quality set of sheets, pillows, comforter is going to make her want to stay and create repeat customers. You’ll thank yourself later because I guarantee you’ll sleep better also.
Blueprint To Securing First Night Lays
Pro Tip: Blues, grays, blacks. Deep colors make your bed seem more inviting and likely to fall into. And remember, nothing says "I've got my life together" quite like a neatly made bed. Trust us; it's the small details that count.
7. A Full-Length Mirror: The Confidence Booster
A full-length mirror isn't just for vanity; it's a tool for self-assurance. First off, for you, it provides a place to stand in front of to check your hair and outfit before you leave the house. But women are also drawn to mirrors; they’ll take every chance they get to look at themselves in the mirror while dressing. With no clothes on, the mirror still becomes a place to check themselves out. Now both of you are admiring yourselves in front of the mirror.
You can experiment with where to put it and maybe end up getting multiple. The living room mirror is a great place for when girls first enter the house. The bedroom mirror... is self-explanatory.
8. Air Freshener: You probably don’t even know your house smells. You’re the elephant in the room, literally. Men will be men. Your house probably has the faint smell of BO in it. It might not even be overpowering, but women run on scent much more than men, and you can fix this a million ways:
Air filters
or any combo of both.
I actually have a bootleg setup where the air freshener sits on top of an air filter so it filters the house air and blows clean air over the freshener, pushing it throughout the house. There's nothing more inviting than a fresh-smelling home when a woman walks into your house. Opt for pleasant scents like lavender, vanilla, or citrus. Not only is it a finishing touch, but it leaves a lasting impression that the girl remembers you by.
9. Random House Bait
A bookshelf or organizer
For some reason, I notice a lot of men still use a closet or closed cabinet to hold their items. Show them off! *If they fit your personality and aren't pure turn-offs. Get a bookshelf and start getting physical books.
This is both for your own self-progression, but it will also show and prove that you are a well-rounded person. I have talked to many women, and they mentioned that guys do not own one book. For many of them, this is a turn-off. Everything so far has not been subjective; they are essential items. But the house base is an area where you can be creative. The second someone walks into your house, you should have some interesting item in view to catch their attention, or it should be readily available. In the perfect world, the item should be interactive.
My best example is Hula Hoops. At any point the conversation dies down OR the music turns up, I can always ask guests if they know how to hula hoop. This creates a short game to get women off their feet and do something funny. It doesn't actually matter if either of you is good at it. If the question comes up as to why you have them, you can create any hilarious story. I often say they were party props for a costume party.
If you have a couple of weights or a kettlebell, you have an excuse to see if she can lift it. The sole point of this is to get the blood flowing while in your house and possibly have an excuse to flex without looking too cocky. Other random bait might be something as simple as a Rubik's cube. It sounds close to the nerdy side, but it never fails to impress. If you learn to solve it, but your life and persona don’t revolve around it, no one will ever look at it and say, “weird.”
Cameras - I don’t recommend you go out and get a camera - but if it's something that’s already part of your persona - display it. I personally have my books and camera on display on the living room shelf and it never fails to cause women to walk over and pick something up. Previously, I would hide these things away; no one wants to get anything stolen. The solution to that is to not invite sketchy chicks to your place. But between cameras and books, the conversation will never fail; you’ll always have a reason to stand up and create a topic out of nowhere.
*Don’t have - Things that are typically not great bait pieces. Game systems - It's fine to have, but if you’ve got dozens of games and controllers - put them in the cabinet instead of displaying them in full view. Even chicks that play games are gonna think it's weird if the focal point of your house is a video game system.
Remember this: Women are drawn to comfortable and captivating spaces. The more at ease a woman feels in your bachelor pad, the more inclined she'll be to get comfortable with you.
Every addition, no matter how modest, should enhance your apartment features and make your space a true reflection of your personality and style.
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JBL Charge > Sonos Move etc?
Having a pet rabbit makes it so tough, the thing chews wires left and right. I need to invest in a lot of these. Thankfully I clean my spot often but that home bar is going to be expensive as alcohol ain't cheap lol. Going to be a long path to collection.