Let's say you've got your passport, booked that flight to Tulum, and you want to create some great memories of your trip that you can use for your IG and dating app profiles. Let's also assume that you're a local guy who simply wants to step up his IG and dating app profile game and capture those baller pictures you see influencers taking.
In this post, I'll be answering the most frequently asked questions from travelers and locals alike, so you can capture those baller shots and elevate your social media presence.
Influencers may make it look easy, but the key to their success is high-quality photos that exude a high status.
One of the most common questions is, "How do I find places to take pictures?" & "How do I take great pictures?" The answer is simple: Google and Instagram.
Someone likely has already done your work for you, so take advantage of their research. Use Google to search for the top Instagrammable spots in your destination, and then head to Instagram to see photos and gather inspiration.
Step 1 - Finding the Spots
Type into Google:
”Best Photo Spots in XXX”
”Most Instagramable locations in XXX”
”Luxury Hotels in XXX”
An influencer or blogger may have already written an article and posted it online, so you don't need to network with people or be in the know. You can quickly find a list of at least ten spots in your target location or city.
Step 2. Find these places on Instagram
The beauty of this is that the world is likely done for you. There’s no need to find the best angles or think about the best time of day. There’s a 95% chance that if the location is worth taking a picture in..A group of people have figured out the best pictures and posted them.
Open phone > Type location into IGs search bar > Click Places > Click the location.
Here's a suggested edit:
This brings up a feed of pictures from your target location. All you need to do is save these pictures to your phone or a folder and then go out and recreate them. In my Guide to Mexico City, I went a step further and created a map of my favorite Instagrammable locations in the city. This way, I could plan my time efficiently by hitting Polanco one day and Centro a few days later. Each city area has numerous spots where I can take pictures and make the most of my time.
You can also look at the top of the screen and click "Search this area” This will display nearby locations to add to your list. This information can also be useful for the guide below.
Step 3 - Have A Packing List
If you want to make the best of your outing, you'll need to ensure you have everything you need. Here's a list of essentials:
Camera & Phone - DSLR if you have one, or a good cell phone (such as a new model iPhone)
2-3 Different Outfits - I typically bring an extra pair of pants, shoes, and two shirts
Battery Pack - It's likely that you will run out of battery while taking pictures
Portable Phone Tripod - This will help you frame and stage your shots.
Step 4 - Getting The Shots
Once you arrive at the location, look through your collection of photographs and recreate them. This process can be five minutes to an hour, depending on how long it takes you to create the shot, how many people are in the way, and how much you choose to experiment.
Step 4.1 - Take lots of photos
You’re not gonna like the first photo. Take multiple pictures. Multiple poses. You may want a more natural walk, so it helps to shoot on burst and pick the picture that looks most natural.
Step 4.2 - Try to have an empty background
You likely are not a Photoshop expert so that you won’t edit a bunch of people out of your shot. Make sure that you wait to till there is no one in your background to take the picture.
Step 4.3 - Make your body language look attractive
There are slight things to do to make your pictures look more attractive. You want to be replaced in the picture. If you're sitting, this may mean put one leg out in the photo. If you’re standing or walking, this means unclenching your first.
As for facial features, This video may be helpful. In general. RELAX
Step 4.4 - Posing
There are a million websites that teach nuances to posing. Instead of writing them. Here is a website on posing, An Instagram page where an influencer teaches posing. and a couple profiles to examples to help you out.
11 Steps to Perfect Posing
Mr. Dasante - Men’s Posing Tips
Profile 1
Profile 2
Profile 3
Profile 4
Profile 5
Tips - To Getting The Shots
Bring a Friend - Not only will you have someone to help take pictures for you, but you'll also have feedback on posing and making your picture look good.
Go for the Most Popular Picture First - Of course, you should dig deep into photos, but typically Instagram puts the most popular pictures at the top of the feed tag. You know this picture works, so recreate it. Once you've got that one down, you can try other pictures.
Expand Your Location List - If you're going deep into this project, it may be worthwhile to look up dope Airbnbs in the area as well. Some locations may have special amenities like pools, rooftops, etc. that you can take pictures of. You want to make sure your locations have great scenery. This means you can also do things such as walking a beach, hiking a mountain, driving a boat, etc.
You are Not the Focus of the Photo - These photos aim to create a "scene." You want to highlight the place you are in, not you specifically.
Make it look like you’re there all the time - Typically, girls will find a location like a flower wall or mural with wings and take the exact same picture, even if they aren't tourists. This can make you look like one. I suggest implementing poses from other pictures taken in that same spot. You should have multiple photos to use as templates with multiple different styles. You can mix and match other people's styles and posing into different locations to give yourself a slightly different vibe.
Random Props - Some people don’t know what to do with their hands. If it feels better, have props: an extra phone, a hat, a watch on your arm, a pet. Ideas can be endless. The only thing I would avoid is alcohol - at least not beer. If you’re gonna take a shot with alcohol in your hand, don’t skimp. Buy that expensive cocktail, buy that glass of wine. Make your photos look classy, unlike a night out with the boys.
You should also ensure not to break the fourth wall…at least too often. Some of your pictures should show your face clearly. You want to create mystery, but you don't want to be a ghost.
Example: Notice how she isn’t smiling directly into the camera
***Real DSLR cameras will always take the best pictures. However, the problem is that some locations will not allow you to take pictures with a DSLR because they deem it "professional photography." Security may assume that you intend to make money off of the photos. This is why I recommend having a high-quality cell phone designed to take pictures. You should be shooting with a high-quality camera, whether a DSLR or a cell phone, to ensure you get the best pictures possible.
*Instead of writing multiple individual substack articles on this subject, I have combined them all into a 50 page PDF/Course that can now be purchased on Gumroad.
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Guide To Instagram Game: Leveraging Social Media to Date Hotter Women
If you truly don't want to take your own photos due to not having a camera, a bad phone, or a lack of photography skills, this may not be your best guide. Instead, you might want to consider finding a photographer to help you.
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Ignore this article ~ If your idea of a good time is matching with tortas and attracting nothing but your local town whales
Women appreciate men with good social media hygiene, 10/10 🔌