The Dangerous Life of a Player
When it comes to women who have a lot of notches on their bedpost, people always criticize them for not being able to hold down a relationship or be a good mom. But when it's a dude who's a straight-up "player" with a ton of sexual experience, nobody says anything.
Here's the thing, folks - both genders can get bored and start looking for something new. Now, I’m not saying that getting some action when you're young isn’t a good thing, especially if you're a dude. But if you want to settle down, get yourself a wife, and start a family, going around banging every chick you see isn’t all it's cracked up to be. It’s typically the dudes with nothing who idolize players and think life is greener on the other side.
Chad and Ashly
Lets say there's this couple - Chad and Ashley - and they both work for this organization that used to give me a paycheck a while back. So I'm chillin' with this former colleague of mine who's still in the game, and he gives me the lowdown on what's been goin' on there. What he told me about Chad and Ashley's relationship was some intriguing, yet depressing.