As an expat/nomad, whatever you want to call it, I meet many women on their travel journeys. Sometimes the experiences are good, sometimes they are bad. Typically, these women fall into a few categories:
The Solo Female Traveler
The "Semester Abroad" American Girl
The Wall Rider
The Cool Travel Chick
Despite the title, as a Solo Female Traveler, these women are rarely alone. Women are much more social creatures than men when they travel. Men can set up shop anywhere and be completely fine while they explore new cities. Women, on the other hand, either find a group to join or they inevitably become "female sex tourists."
If you ever encounter a woman taking a trip to a foreign city by herself, unfortunately, I assure you she's racking up bodies left and right. It's easy—in the past, women had to physically be in the city, aimlessly roam a park, or stop by a bar or club and wait for a guy to approach her and be her boyfriend for the night or week. Now, women can simply set their dating apps to the location in advance and have a train of guys that will buy her food, be her tour guide, and hook up with her for a couple of nights.
Living in a city frequented by tourists, I've seen hundreds of profiles where girls are asking for recommendations around the city. A lot of them will say they arrive in x amount of weeks and have no shame admitting they are looking to reserve a good lay before they even arrive. There's nothing wrong with this. Take advantage of the short-term girl that you matched with on Hinge, but don't be surprised that her schedule is "busy" as she's moving from guy to guy to subsidize her travel experience.
Examples: Barcelona, Mexico City, Tulum, Paris… Or any beach or party city… She's nearly 100 percent down for a hookup experience if you simply play the fun guy.
The "Semester Abroad" American Girl
This type of girl is usually the poster child of global privilege and over-nurturing, coming from wealthy backgrounds and having never struggled for anything in their lives. I can't recall a time when I've ever met a "poor" exchange student. When you do find these girls, they are usually in groups of at least three or four, wandering old streets and speaking five decibels louder than the next person.
Unlike the Solo Traveler, who typically does some amount of due diligence to avoid getting into sketchy situations, the exchange student appears to have no regard for their own safety. They view the world as their oyster and often find themselves in the seediest locations.
The Semester Abroad girl is also almost exclusively found in hassle-free first-world countries like Australia, France, Spain, or Italy. You won't usually find them in more dangerous countries, but it's not unheard of to find them in Latin American college towns. While some of these girls can be nice, the general sentiment is the same—entitled and privileged. They are typically just looking to party for a few months.
Because of their age, they are often immature and likely not worth being around. However, if you're a fan of guided tours, you'll almost always run into them.
The Wall Rider
Wall Riders are typically single women between the ages of 30 and 40. Their looks are on the verge of collapse, and they are traveling as their last hurrah in hopes of recreating themselves.
Sometimes they can be referred to as "Karens." One would think a traveler in this age group would be more worldly, but often they never break their preconceived notions of the world and continue to complain about their surroundings and other people. These women often have been traveling for years, transitioning from sharing a hostel bunk bed with the beer crawl guy to bringing a local back to her cheap Airbnb. They are often delusional and think they'll find love from one of the suave locals. Why? Because, due to how thirsty some guys are, these women will still get laid regularly, but only as a 2nd or 3rd tier choice. There will always be local guys who habitually go after these women as a fetish that comes with benefits. These wall riders will often financially support the local guys' lives while they provide companionship.
For the rest of us, the mere existence of Wall Riders is irritating for the traveler community and western civilization as a whole because they enable younger women to ruin themselves and travel perpetually until their wheels fall off. These women can be found in every WhatsApp-based Meetup Group, preaching the gospel or spreading gossip. After 50, you usually only see them on their girls' trips at resorts, or they live alone in some small foreign town where they have accepted defeat and no longer go out.
*Personally, I have not found any redeeming qualities in these older women. They are simply too jaded in life. They are always the first ones to start an argument or get offended. For some reason, they are also always broke. You would think that at their age, they would have some money saved up to live a little better, but they often struggle financially like a 20-year-old, yet have fewer people subsidizing their lifestyles.
The Cool Travel Chick
There is an exception. If a woman is traveling to a really niche location that's specifically known as an archaeological site or has historical value, she's likely to have an actual interest in the cultures. Think Machu Picchu or any other guided tour in the same style. These also will be the chicks that you find hanging in Cafes Vs Bars. Surprisingly, extremely attractive chicks are often the cool ones. They don’t need to travel to find themselves, and they don’t need to travel to get laid. They often are also at a level of attractiveness where they get approached much less than the slutty 6 or 7. These chicks are also less jaded in life because no one has kicked them to the curb repeatedly. Because of that, the ones that travel often have chill personalities, so long as you don’t thirst over them.
If you do meet one of these women, make friends with her. I'm not writing this to bash all women. I have plenty of female friends that I meet while traveling or living abroad. These women will still get the attention and recommendations from every guy that wants to hook up, but that information will get passed to you, and you'll learn about dope events in the city or cool day trip locations. When it's time for an adventure like hiking a mountain, going to a lake destination, or exploring small cities, the cool travel women become perfect partners who are always down to go somewhere.
Considering these women aren't spending any money on dating, they usually have a bunch of saved cash to go on guided experiences or are down to “wing it” and splurge. Additionally, you have a wingwoman when you do want to hit the bars.
The only thing you need to make sure of is that you have firmly friendzoned this woman and treat her like a complete bro. She should be completely off-limits as a hookup partner.
This isn't a debate on whether men and women can be friends. This isn't an article for dudes who lack self-control, have no abundance mentality, and try to hook up with every woman they meet. This is an article on the usefulness of having female friends, Making female friends, and the benefits that come with it.
On Friend Zoning Chicks
In conclusion, as you travel, I simply want you to be aware. Many times, guys will try to latch on to female travelers because they think it’ll be easier or because occasionally you need a break from operating in a foreign language and want to talk to someone in English. As long as you remember this article during your interactions, you yourself won’t become as jaded as some of them are.
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